Celebrating Irish Blogs and Bloggers on Saint Patrick’s Day

I love, love, love Irish arts, especially music, dance, and literature! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

WordPress.com News

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona Duit! And, if you don’t speak Irish, Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! March 17th is a public holiday in Ireland, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Montserrat that commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. Today, we’re showcasing Irish blogs and bloggers as a way to join in the fun.

No celebration is complete without food

If we’re celebrating, we’ve got to have good food. Foodies will enjoy One Man’s Meat, where Irish blogger Conor Bofin shares his carefully photographed recipes, well-seasoned with humor. We especially enjoyed his recipe for an English classic, toad in the hole, and this amazing hot smoked duck with orange marmalade.

Hot Smoked Duck with Orange Marmalade, by Conor Bofin. Hot Smoked Duck with Orange Marmalade, by Conor Bofin.

Ireland in photos

Kildare-based photographer Edward Mooney showcases his work over at EdMooneyPhotography. His photo essay on Donadea Castle captures the beautiful ruins in black and white.

View original post 239 more words


Writing for Academic Publication: Discuss publishing teaching materials, theses, and dissertations

New Timeline:

CCCC 19-22, 2014, Indianapolis, IN.

One page description/memo of the final paper right after the Spring Break.

Bookreview due by 5:00 PM, March 26th.

Annotated bib due by 5:00 PM, April 14th.

Publication notebook.

CV/Resume peer editing.


Publishing Course Materials: Ann Marie Francis


It is practical, primary research.

To help new teachers.

To expand knowledge.

To identify trends in the field.

Options for Publishing Course Materials:
Case studies;
Course designs;
Wisdom-of-practice scholarship/scholarship narratives; (less research based)
Descriptive research projects.
Tips for Getting Course Materials Published:
Include critical analysis
Have measurable studies
Complete IRB
Review the standards/expectations of the journal
Classroom research can be difficult (honest feedback can be hard to get)
Privacy of students
Unwillingness of students
Students are not lab rats
copyright concerns
Kennesaw State University’s CETL page
Your institution’s SoTL website
Journal submission guidelines
Sample articles
Publishing Theses and Dissertations: Dionne L. Blasingame

Publish one or two chapters first before the dissertation published as a book. Traditional or nontraditional?

Seek for a book series editor.

Setting up the audience, voice is extremely important. The importance of being bold, but not too bold, but you have to be confident.

The process of revision can be tough, but there is no publication without constant revision.

Cut off the lit review!

Flows & Contraflows

Appadurai “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy”

Is an ideoscape broad or condensed? In one part of definition it says they are made of images, and later that they are “keywords”. How similar is it to the rhetorical “ideograph”? Is “democracy”, the word the ideoscape or is the concept of democracy the ideoscape? Or both?—-For Appadurai it is both.

Also are only Enlightenment-concepts ideoscapes? Understanding the meaning of life-Enlightenment, therefore, understanding ideoscapes may be helpful to understand the status of ourselves and our cultures.

What are the advantages of breaking the global communication flows into individual “scapes”? Is this an effective means of studying communication and culture on a global scale?

Joseph Straubhaar “Beyond Media Imperialism”

Could you make the argument that simple dependency is a type of asymmetrical interdependency

What will happen if global flow of information and culture cannot make people unite, but more separated as is shown in many violent and terrorist attacks? 

A common ground is easy to reach at the surface level of mutual understanding, but a common understanding and tolerance of each culture is proved to be not successful to some extent. How to avoid such tragedies from happening? What ways of communication will help?

Thussu: Mapping Global Media Flow & Contra Flow

When Thussu says that Britain leads the world in the export of television formats, what does that really mean?

Do you agree with Thussu’s observation that “prominent examples of subaltern and geo-cultural media flows may give a false impression that the world communication has become more diverse and democratic”?

Do subaltern and global flows open the possibilities for further representation of disparate views and groups or micro-targeting state/corporate advertising (or both)?

Will Hobson’s term “oriental globalisation”(236) proceed provide the current condition that English is still the main working language? Taking China as an example, the Chinese language system is one that which prevent the culture to be understood to some extent. The Indian language system is similarly difficult to grasp, not mentioning translation issues. Will world Englishes still be a hot research topic? Both China and India have robust film industries for instance, but the films are less exported to the English speaking countries. There is an asymmetrical independence here, too.

Marwan Kraidy’s “Hybridity in Cultural Globalization”

Whatever the term we use for globalization, be it hybridity or whatsoever, the world order has been set ever after the two world wars. Would it even be possible for the developing and third world nations to develop or gain their power back in an unbalanced world order and power dynamic?

Iwabuchi “Taking Japanization Seriously”
Noting the ability for hegemonic voices to assume a dominant role in hybrid interactions. To what extent should hybridity be viewed with caution or even avoided? While maybe needed this seems impossible.
How does Japan’s rise in cultural exports including its odorless commodities advance our understanding of the de-centered nature of transnational cultural power advocated by Iwabuchi?

Harsh US winter extends into March

When I marched out in the wind, I can only comfort myself with Shelley’s lines, “The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”

Tisha Savannah

"Tomorrow may be hell, but today was a good writing day, and on the good writing days nothing else matters." - Neil Gaiman

Foundations of Literary Studies: Reading Frankenstein Two Hundred Years Later

English 010 | University of California, Merced | Spring 2023



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